What do I need to do when I want to hire someone?
All partner employees must go through the onboarding process. Because your employees will be working with students, a background check is required. Complete this form to submit an employee for hire. They cannot begin work in your space until their background check has cleared.
What do I need to do when an employee quits or is terminated?
Please complete this form and select the option to revoke access. We will submit a ticket to have their keycard access terminated. You will need to collect their keycard and return it to the Welcome Center. Please also collect any keys you issued the employee.
Can I hire a student?
Yes! We love it when partners hire students. If you hire a student, please submit the through the normal onboarding process (see form). You’ll need their age to submit them for hire. If they are 18 or older, a background check must be conducted. If they are not yet 18, we will use their date of birth to determine when a background check needs to be completed.
Is smoking allowed?
Per Section 38.006, Texas Education Code, Texas public schools are tobacco-free environments. Smoking or using tobacco is prohibited at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property. Individuals wishing to smoke need to leave the property entirely.
Can alcohol be served at The OC during after school hours events?
Code ordinances prohibit alcohol within 300’ feet of a public school or daycare, so alcohol is not permitted at The OC.
Why doesn't my keycard badge work?
Currently all partner keycards should work on the main entrances — doors 15 and 43, as well as the door to get into the loading dock and the exterior loading dock door. Unfortunately, partner space badge readers are not yet operational. If your keycard does not work on the main entrances or loading dock doors, please let Talana know.
How should we handle trash?
Each partner is responsible for the removal of your own trash. There are dumpsters at the back of the building that are accessible through the loading dock. Your keycard should work to enter the loading dock and to reenter the loading dock from outside using door 28.
What if I want to change my business hours?
Security guards and doors are scheduled according to the hours that you have communicated to us as your standard hours. In addition, those hours are published on our website, on The OC app, and on a monthly schedule we share with district administrators. As such, it would be ideal that you never shorten your hours from your set schedule. You are welcome to extend hours to accommodate special events. Please just let us know so we can update the schedule and adjust doors and security if necessary.
How do I request additional keys?
Email Talana at tjmorris@forneyisd.net with the number of keys needed. They are $15 each.
How is mail handled?
Regular mail coming via USPS should be inserted into your mailbox on the west side of the building in the parking lot median. If you did not receive a key for your mailbox, let Talana know. Please be sure you are using your suite number for all mail and package deliveries.
How are package deliveries handled?
Most packages are delivered to the Welcome Center, but if you have your suite number included we will try to ask the couriers to deliver directly to your suite. If we get a package for you in the Welcome Center, we will notify you.
What if I am expecting a large freight shipment?
You can use the loading dock to accept larger shipments. You will need to coordinate with The OC Welcome Center staff to plan because the loading dock overhead doors will need to be opened with a key. Ideally you should be here to accept your shipment and advise or handle getting that out of the loading dock and to your space ASAP.